It Is Not Difficult To Find An Armored Truck That Perfectly Suit Your Personal Requirements!

Getting an armored truck that perfectly suits your personal preferences and requirements is quite easy if you know what you are looking for. In fact, all it takes is just a little research and planning to get exactly what you want. However, the level of protection you require depends on aspects such as how high your public profile is, what your job involves, where you live and work, and much more.

While there are many online sources that offer great vehicle preferences, selecting the make and model of armored trucks is a very personal choice. Remember, all the available online reviews are simply there to help you make the right purchasing decision. Let’s explore some tips for searching and finding the best armoring solution to suit your distinct personal protection needs.

Evaluate your protection requirements

All armored vehicles are not made the same. As such, you might want to work with armored vehicle manufacturers that can customize your armoring needs based on your personal requirements and threat levels. For instance, are you planning to travel through an area where AK-47s are prevalent? In this case, make certain to have your truck equipped with AK-47 protection.

Need to travel to or work in a relatively safe region but where handguns are common? Then opt for a vehicle that offers enhanced handgun bullet protection, i.e., unless you feel the need for additional security. In simple terms, the level of protection you require where armored vehicles are concerned depends on your current and future circumstances.

Armored vehicle manufacturers always recommend being practical and functionality versus what appears in the movies. In this case, here are some practical considerations to dwell on when choosing an armored truck.

•    Your  available parking or garage space

•    Will you be doing any towing?

•    Safety features that are important to you

•    Do you need all-wheel drive?

•    Do you have a long commute and, because of that, is fuel economy important to you?

•    Will you be driving in ice and snow?

•    Your type of driving, that is, consider whether you mostly drive on highways, surface streets, or off-road before purchasing your vehicle

•    Passengers you need to carry

Determine your budget

It is important to consider your set budget when before purchasing an armored truck. After all, all the labor and materials that go into armoring a vehicle are quite costly. On the low end, expect to pay approximately $50 000 for armoring in addition to the standard price of the vehicle. In this case, there are some armored vehicles that sell over $ 800 000. Furthermore, some armored vehicle manufacturers require their clients to pay a certain percentage upfront before starting work on their order. In this case, you will need to consider how you will finance your purchase, and how much you can really afford to allocate toward payments each month

What about the costs of ownership?

Because armored cars don’t depreciate the same way as ordinary vehicles, it is recommended that you consider the whole picture when considering your first or second purchase. One armored truck might be cheaper to purchase but much more expensive to own. How so, you might ask. While two armored vehicles might cost the same to purchase, one might cost more to maintain or to insure due to heavy materials and subpar craftsmanship. Moreover, one vehicle might also depreciate faster than the other.

Compare buying and leasing

Whether buying or leasing an armored vehicle, you need to know that each comes with its merits and demerits. A lease needs less money down the line, for instance lower monthly payments. Unfortunately, when your lease ends, you no longer have a vehicle, meaning that you will need to go shopping again. Buying an armored vehicle on the other hand is more costly initially, and the monthly payments might be higher. However, upon paying off your loan, you end up owning the vehicle for as long as you require it.