How To Conduct Maintenance For Your Bulletproof Vehicles

Bulletproof vehicles are so widely praised of its primary ability to effectively protect people from dangerous attacks, bombardment of bullets and even some major accidents. However, in the midst of being too contented, we might lean a little towards being complacent. Despite its excellence, an armored vehicle is still subject to degradation if the user chooses not to provide needful maintenance. This article will discuss some reasons why you should regularly maintain the quality of your armored vehicles.

Wear and tear of tires

Believe it or not, an armored vehicle can still be a victim of wear and tear. This is especially so for its tires. You can fix these problems in a number of ways:

• Check the alignment of the front or back wheels

Misalignment can actually lead to uneven or rapid wear. Front-wheel-drive cars, or cars which have independent rear suspension need all their wheels aligned instead of just two of them. To check your alignment appropriately, you can refer to your vehicle”s own manual as that is where all the recommended instructions will suit your car best. Checking your alignment will definitely extend tire life.

• Check your tire wear

Sometimes, wear and tear can cause your tire wear to become irregular. Distorted patterns can actually be very dangerous! You should refer to your vehicle”s manual to verify your tire”s original pattern or pay a visit to the nearest tire service location. If it is confirmed that your tire has an uneven wear, consult an expert to check and correct any misalignment or other mechanical problem. Other than this, irregular tire wear can be resolved by rotating the tires.

Multiple hits

It is true that most armored vehicles have bullet-resistant exteriors. However, as sad as it sounds, this high resistance is not able to maintain such strength for eternity without maintenance. If a spot has been coincidentally been hit on too many times, it is actually possible for the resistance to degrade overtime and eventually break.

Yes, this can only happen after a very long time but there is no definite measure of what exactly is considered a “long” time, so it”s safe for people to always maintain their armored vehicles instead of learning things the hard way. This view is supported by Motor Authority. Around a month ago, President of Texas Armoring Corporation and CEO by the name of Trent Kimball proved the strength of his car product in a very impressive way of shooting bullets at it while there was a driver inside of it. This was indeed a production worthy of plaudit!

However, Motor Authority did point out that Kimball never attempted to keep shooting at one spot for multiple times – no kind of glass can resist that for long. Nonetheless, any sort of hostile force is also unlikely to keep shooting at one sport in the midst of noisy pandemonium and what”s more the fast movement of the car will also prevent this from happening. Therefore, it will take a long time for this to happen to any armored vehicle, but people must keep in mind that the possibility is still there.

Liquid levels

Your car is also still susceptible to leaking, and this issue should in no way be ignored. It is a good practice to conduct regular checks, regarding the liquid levels of your coolant, antifreeze and perhaps the wiper fluid. Some cars may allow users to directly see the level of the tank, but most cars utilize gauges and dipsticks which you can pull out to perceive levels against a notch which displays optimal ones. If you find that you are rather running low, you should add more if you”re able to, or just get it changed. What is crucial that you never overlook a leak!

Battery leaks

Batteries nowadays are very competent and poses no problem most of the time. However, unlikely issues will at times haunt some drivers. It helps for you to regularly inspect the state of these batteries and make sure that there is no leaking or build-up of unwanted minerals on the contacts. In a situation where there is, you can use a battery cleaning brush to clean them. You may also want to help yourself by purchasing a cheap battery tester.

An armored vehicle differs from a regular one by its higher level of resistance and technical security. However, when it comes to its need for maintenance and vulnerability to degradation, it still acts so much a regular version of itself – it’s just that they degrade at relatively slower rate. Hence, it is important for people to know that armored cars are not immune to damage or deterioration overtime. It does help, though, if you get an armored vehicle of good quality as it will degrade at an extremely slow rate and this will lighten the burden of getting it fixed or maintained.

At Exec Armor, we provide quality armored vehicles and because we have been in the industry for such a long time, buying one of our cars will definitely be to your advantage. Overall, it’s important for every armored vehicle owner to maintain it in the best condition and we can certainly share more knowledge with you on doing that well.