Armouring Your Car: The Ultimate Way To Improve Your Safety Profile

In a world where the levels of insecurity are rising, it is important that you take the necessary steps to keep yourself safe from all kinds of harm. One of the most effective ways of doing this is by getting an armoured car. The logic behind this is that when you are travelling, you are usually at your most vulnerable since you will be in public and accessible to a large number of people. In the wrong car, this can make you a sitting duck. The best way to combat this is by getting a car that can repel attacks involving firearms such as guns and rifles.

How do you armour your car?

Some people have the notion that for you to get an armoured car, you will need to buy one that has already been designed as such. However, this is not the case. There are some firms that have the capacity to armour the current car you have, so that you don’t need to buy a new one. One of the advantages of getting an armoured car in this manner is the fact that it will not be as complicated as getting a new car that has been armoured in the manufacturer’s factory.

When you approach a company for such service, they will first assess your needs, and then suggest a degree of armouring that might suit you. If you work with a high quality armouring firm, the decisions they make will be within the law as well.

Is it all you can do to keep yourself safe?

If you are interested in keeping yourself safe when driving, armouring the car you regularly use is by far the most effective way of guaranteeing your safety. However, this does not mean that it’s the only way to do it. There are other measures you can put in place to protect your safety particularly if you are a high value target to people who might want to harm you. Using all these strategies in addition to armouring the car will go a long way in enhancing your safety. Some of these other measures include:

• Not having a very strict routine: Being predictable makes it easier for people to plan attacks on you as you move about. Changing your route and being random with the routes you choose might seem like a hassle, but it might be the one thing that saves your life.

• Try to be inconspicuous: If you live in a crime ridden part of the world, being very flashy can be your undoing, since it might attract people who might end up harming you. If you are at very high risk of being harmed by robbers or other similar elements, you should consider toning down your presence. For instance, rather than buying a very flashy car, you should get one that looks just like all the other cars in that part of the world. If you do so and then have it armoured, it will become very difficult for people to consider you a target. Even if they somehow do, the fact that the car will be armoured will make it difficult for them to get to you.

Safety at your gate

Most people who decide to get armoured cars are usually apprehensive about getting assaulted while driving. One of the commonest ways in which this happens is when you pull up to your gate when going home, and then have to spend a few minutes to get it open. During this time, you will essentially be a sitting duck, and it will be very easy for anyone to get to you. Reducing the amount of time you spend at the gate is one of the most effective safety measures you can take. One of the ways of doing this is by getting an electric gate that will start opening as soon as you are a few feet away, so that you don’t even have to stop to wait for it to open. Ideally, it should also start closing as soon as part of the car is in the compound, so that there is very little time for any other car to follow you.

What to do if you have decided to have the car armoured

If you have decided that you want to have the car armoured, you should consult a company that specializes in providing such services, rather than just a regular garage. Remember, the process of armouring cars usually requires a lot of expertise and the use of high quality materials, so nothing can be left to chance. A company that has been providing such services for a long time is more likely to give you more value for money, and should therefore be your first choice.

In summary, armouring your car can be a great way to enhance your safety profile. If you intend to do it, you should have it done well, and also consider putting in place other safety measures such as the ones mentioned above.